Electrical power requirements
Controller output supplies
The UCC2 produces a +24 V current limited supply with a maximum output current of 1 A. This supply is available for use by the CMM system
to supply status switches, etc.
The UCC2 also provides protected supplies for other external devices such as scale read-heads, the probe, joystick, etc.
These supplies are:
+ 5 Vdc* at 1 A max
+15 Vdc at 1 A max
- 15 Vdc at 1 A max
* The supply to the scale readheads is a nominal 5.2 Vdc but, providing the sensor lines are connected through to the readhead, this voltage
servoes within the range 5 Vs to 7 Vs to ensure the supply is 5.2 V at the readhead i.e. it compensates for the cable volt drop. If the sensor
lines are not connected the supply defaults to 5.2 Vdc.
UCC2 and UCC2-2 installation guide
Issued 07 2021