1. LED (yellow) – START signal status.
Lit when a START signal is transmitted to
the probe.
This LED will either flash once when a
machine controlled START signal is
commanded, or flash continuously at one
second intervals when the system is set to
'Auto–Start' mode and is awaiting a probe
transmission signal.
2. LED (red, yellow, green) – Infra red SIGNAL
strength received from probe.
As long as there is power to the system, this LED will
always be lit. It is a tri–colour LED and indicates as
follows :
Signal received from the probe is
either too weak or not there at all
(i.e. no signal).
Yellow -
Signal received is marginal.
i.e. The O-M-I is at the edge of its
operating envelope. Correct operation
in this region cannot be guaranteed.
Signal received is good and system will
operate correctly.
Note :
1. During a start transmission, the SIGNAL
LED will change through red to yellow and green.
This is the normal power up sequence.
2. The SIGNAL LED will flash (yellow or green)
if optical interference is being received whilst
the probe is not transmitting.
The O-M-I is fully described in
User's Guide H-2000-5062