4 Preoperational activities
General Notes
The condition for obtaining good casting results is correct sprueing, embedding and
adherence to the correct casting time.
The REITEL Induret - COMPACT enables precise castings of complex tasks with nearly all
alloys available in the market.
We don’t have any proven findings of the following alloys regarding their suitability or we don’t
recommend the alloy. In case of casting problems, we’ll be glad to do testing for you, charging
you for arising cost.
1. Nickeliferours alloys containing more than 67 % nickel (Ni).
These alloys were developed for flame casting and therefore, often they are unsuitable for
induction heated casting.
2. Ferric alloys containing more than 30 % of iron (FE).
It is hard to stipulate the time of casting due to the iron parts which burn very quickly.
3. Aluminiferous (Al) alloys containing copper (Cu) parts – since aluminium already melts
at low temperature there will be much slag deposits
4. Beryllium-containing (Be) alloys
When melting these alloys set free toxic steam! In case such alloys are used Messrs.
REITEL assume no liability for health affections of any kind or for damages to the machine.
5. Generally we don’t recommend any alloys not certified and of low quality.
6. For Titanium containing precious metal alloys, tests with argon are respectively necessary.
7. Among others pure titanium and high-grade titanium-containing alloys cannot be casted.
Clean working area for precise casting
Clean inductor (5) – and muffle chamber (7), if necessary suck
Pliers must be ready to use
Check if ceramics crucible has a round outflow hole with 8 mm
diameter, if necessary pls. clean or wipe or use crucible cutter to
Inspect lock pestle in the seal cone regarding roundness and
purity, if necessary blow away, wipe or remove rest of slag!
Pls. clean graphite crucibles and pestles from loose particles by wiping them.