2. Install Skype Software
The first step of setting up SkyATA is to install Skype on the computer.
2.1 Install Skype and Quick Start
If Skype has been installed, check if it is the version which SkyATA claims to
support as SkyATA user manual section 1.4
Minimum System Requirements
. If
the answer is yes, user can skip this section and go to the next section. If not,
download the most updated Skype version or Skype version 6.14 or later.
Since Skype might change API for the new release, we can't guarantee our
current SkyATA AP can work with the new update seamlessly. You should be
able to adopt it for a basic Skype talk, but you always can download the latest
SkyATA AP program from our web site or get help from our supporting people.
1. Open an Internet browser, and, in the address bar, enter:
2. When the Skype web page appears, click Download Skype. The download is
3. After downloading, double-click on the SkypeSetup.exe icon. Skype only
supports version 6.14 or later now.
4. The Installing Skype window as below will appear. Choose the language you
preferred and click
“I agree-next” button