22. Troubleshooting
Even though the model and the remote control system were built with the latest available technology, there can still be
malfunctions or faults. This is why we would like to show you how to correct possible faults.
Transmitter doesn’t respond.
Check the batteries in the transmitter.
Check polarity of batteries in the transmitter.
LED on the transmitter does not light up.
Check or replace the batteries in the transmitter.
Check polarity of batteries in the transmitter.
LED on the transmitter flashes and the
transmitter emits alarm sounds.
Check or replace the batteries in the transmitter.
The model does not react; the LEDs in the
quadrocopter flash.
Check the function of the remote control transmitter.
Perform the quadrocopter switch on sequence again.
LEDs on the quadrocopter do not switch
• Check that the flight battery is connected correctly.
• Charge the flight battery again for testing purposes.
Propellers do not start.
• Check the charge state of the flight battery.
• Charge the flight battery again for testing purposes.
Repeat switching on process.
The quadrocopter tilts to the side on start-
Redo the turn-on procedure of the quadrocopter and do not move
the model while doing so.
Check the drive motors' ease of movement.
Calibrate the position sensors.
The quadrocopter has too low a perfor-
mance or too short of flight times.
• Check the charge state of the flight battery.
• Replace flight battery.
The quadrocopter always flies in one di
Adjust the trim on the transmitter.
• Unfavourable flight conditions (wind or draughts)
Calibrate the position sensors.
The quadrocopter does not fly flips.
• Fly the flip while the transmitter is emitting the three beeps.
• Charge the flight battery.
• Replace the flight battery.
The quadrocopter vibrates during flight.
Check that the propeller turns correctly.
The quadrocopter does not take off.
Check whether the propellers have been installed correctly.
• Recharge the flight battery.
• Replace the flight battery.
Quadrocopter reacts very sluggishly to the
control commands.
Switch the transmitter to sport mode.