18. Flip capabilities
The quadrocopter is also designed to fly flips if desired. You should fly the first flips outside when there is absolutely no
wind. To do this, let the quadrocopter climb to a safe altitude of approx. 5 - 6 m and then hover in position.
To switch the transmitter to flip mode, press the joystick for
the pitch/yaw function (9) downwards.
To indicate that the transmitter has switched to flip mode, it
emits three short beeps.
While the transmitter is emitting the beeps, move the joy-
stick for the pitch and roll function (3) quickly to the limit
stop in the direction in which the quadrocopter should flip
and then immediately bring the joystick back to the centre
The quadrocopter executes the flip in the desired direction,
and then returns to hover flight mode.
To be able to fly another flip, you have to push the button
for flip mode again.
The flip function is only active while the transmitter is emitting three signal tones. After that the transmitter
automatically disables the flip mode.
Figure 17