8. Remote control functions
Front view:
Figure 1
1 Folding monitor holder*
2 Trim button for the roll function
3 Joystick for the bob and roll function
4 Display toggle button*
5 Blue LED indicator blue for the binding function
6 Red LED indicator for operating voltage
7 Push button for the front LED light
8 On/off button
9 Joystick for the pitch and yaw function
10 Push button for the photo function
11 Push button for the video function
12 Extendable retainer*
* The transmitter has a bracket that folds out upwards (see Figure 1, no. 1) for monitors with a width of up to approx.
80 mm. To attach the monitor to the transmitter, fold the bracket out upwards and adjust the extendable retainer to
the required monitor width. The spring force of the retainer keeps the monitor securely in place.
The display toggle button (4) only works in conjunction with the 5.8 GHz monitor (type "HS001") from the FPV gog-
gles/monitor set with Conrad item no. 1620624. The display symbols can be switched on and off using the toggle