The Fat Blocker game requires quick thinking and fast
reflexes. In addition to the console buttons, you will use
the four-button game controllers on the seat handlebar
to play the game. Follow the steps below to play the
Fat Blocker game.
1. Begin pedaling or press any button on the
console to turn on the console.
When you turn on the console, the display will turn
on. The console will then be ready for use.
2. Select the Fat Blocker game.
To select the Fat Blocker game, press the Fitness
Games button (see the drawing on page 14)
repeatedly until the words FAT BLOCKER appear
in the display.
3. Begin pedaling or press a button on either
controller to start the game.
When you start the Fat Blocker game, a game
arena will appear in the center of the display.
A block composed of four or five black squares will
slowly move downward until it reaches the bottom
of the arena. Another block will then move down-
ward. Blocks come in eight different shapes. As
each block falls, you can move it to the left or right
using the left and right buttons on the left controller.
In addition, you can rotate the block counterclock-
wise or clockwise using the left and right buttons
on the right controller. Once you have positioned
and oriented a block, you can speed its motion to
the bottom of the arena, if desired, by pressing the
down button on either controller.
Your goal is to
maneuver the
blocks so that they
form a complete
row of black
squares across
the entire arena.
Each time you complete a row of black squares,
the row will disappear, and all blocks above will
move downward one row.
As you play, the blocks will fall faster and faster;
however, your pedaling speed will affect the speed
of the blocks—the faster you pedal, the more
slowly the blocks will fall, giving you extra time to
position and orient the blocks. The game will con-
tinue until any part of a stacked block reaches the
top of the arena.
When the game ends, the display will show your
final score and the level of play that you reached.
The display will then show the four highest scores
recorded since the scores were reset. If desired,
press and hold down the right button on either con-
troller to reset the scores.
Complete Row