Horizontal Stabilizer and Elevator
•The elevators arrive pre-hinged. Firmly pull on
them to ensure all hinge points are secured
From the Pro:
Some pilots prefer to seal the hinge
gap. If you wish to do this, it is best to do it now
before anything is installed to the elevator.
•Locate the slots for the elevator control horns
and open them using a hobby knife.
•Scuff the glue surface of the control horns
using coarse grit sand paper or a rotary sanding
•Using the included linkage hardware, join the
two horns as shown. Then mix a small batch of
15 min epoxy and coat the inside of the slots.
Lightly coat the ends of the control horns and
insert them into the slots, angled toward the
hinge line.
•You should have minimal squeeze out and a
small fillet will form at the base of the horns.
Clean up any excess with denatured alcohol.
•While the control horn cures, locate the servo
pockets on the
fuselage sides
and remove the
covering with a
hobby knife.
From the Pro:
When removing the covering leave
1/8-1/4” of covering to be ironed down into the
servo pocket. This makes for a much cleaner and
more fuel-proof servo cut-out.