COVER HS Series – User manual
Switching from Normal to Service bypass mode.
The following procedures allow you to switch the UPS from normal to maintenance bypass
(Bypass mode).
Before performing the following procedure, make sure that the voltage and frequency
parameters in the Bypass line are correct and that the inverter is synchronized to the Bypass
voltage. Fulfillment of these conditions guarantees uninterrupted switching of the supply to
1. Follow the procedure for switching the power supply to the electronic bypass mode described in
Power supply is in Bypass mode, UPS inverter is off.
2. Open the battery switch and close the maintenance bypass switch (Maintenance Bypass).
Receipts will be powered by bypass by electronic bypass and service bypass.
3. Open the rectifier feed circuit breaker (Q1 for HS 505), bypass circuit (Q2 for HS 505) and Q4
output disconnector only for HS 505. For UPS up to 300kVA, the bypass and rectifier circuit
breakers should Be in the UPS power switchboard
If it is necessary to open the power module enclosures, eg during the review, wait at least
10 minutes until the DC capacitors are discharged inside the module.
Switching from Bypass mode to normal operation
The following procedure allows you to switch the power supply from bypass (Bypass service) to
normal operation.
1. Close the bypass switch located in the UPS power distribution board for HS 205 and HS 305 or UPS
bypass input Q2 for UPS HS 505.
2. Close the rectifier power switch located in the UPS power distribution board for the HS 205 and HS
305 or the UPS Main Input Q1 for the HS 505 UPS.
The Bypass LED will turn green after about 30 seconds, the power is supplied via an electronic bypass
and service.
3. Close the battery switch located outside the UPS. The battery light goes out.
4. Open the Maintenance bypass switch.
The power is fed via an electronic bypass. In the meantime the rectifier will start up and after about 30
seconds the rectifier diode should glow green. Then the power supply inverter will automatically start - it
may take about 1 minute.
In the case of parallel operation, you must perform successively on each UPS unit.
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