DSP Filtering Capability: Noise reduction and Automatic Notch Filter with adjustable parameters. Notch
filtering is disabled in CW mode for (obvious reasons!) or when using a "wide" receive bandwidth.
(Devel-branch: Because NR activation leads to instability of mcHF it is disabled by default. If you want to
use it (and risk instabilities in various scenarios) you can activate NR in config menu "last item." Setting
will NOT BE STORED and must be activated after every powering on. When NR issues are fixed and NR
will be improved this function will be obsolete.)
S-Meter calibration: "Industry Standard" (IARU Region 1, Technical recommendation R.1) S-meter
calibration where S-9 = -73dBm (50.2uV @ 50 ohms) with each "S" unit representing 6 dB. Units above
S-9 are in dB units, as noted.
External audio input/output connections: "Line In" and "Line Out" audio ports, and a "PTT" (Push-to-
Talk) are provided via 3.5mm connectors to allow the connection to an external device. With these
connectors, it is possible to interface with an external device (a computer or tablet/smart phone) and
operate "Sound Card" modes with the mcHF such as SSTV, PSK31, WSPR and other analog/digital modes.
(devel-branch only): There is CAT function and audio-in and out also as IQ in and out via USB available.
Setting of input is in main menu #60 or via long-press of M3.
Line out signal levels: Nominal 1-volt peak-peak, maximum when AGC is operating.
Line in signal levels: Nominal 0.1 -> 1.0-volt peak-peak, adjustable using the "Line Input Gain" settings.
Transmit ALC type: Look-ahead gain compressor with both pre-set and available "custom" settings.
Operating voltage range:
- 18.0 volts maximum (when capacitors C27 and tantalum parallel to C106 both fry board are 25V)
- To 11.0 volts minimum for full transmit power
- To 9.5 volts for reduced transmit power
- As low as 6.5 volts, receive-only: Only very low transmit power may be possible
distortion on peak
audio (SSB, AM) may occur.
Current consumption: