decisions for implementation of FreeDV into the UHSDR software. More details
How to operate
select digital mode "RTTY" as described above
set AGC speed to very long (very slow) or (best) switch it off completely
change mode to RT-L (LSB aka normal polarity, Mark is the high RF frequency) or
RT-U (USB aka reverse polarity, Mark is the lower RF frequency) according to
desired RTTY mode
use filter bandwidth 1.4k BPF --> do not try to use a very narrow bandwidth, this
does not help the decoder, maybe it helps your ears, but the decoder needs
relatively wide bandwidth to avoid distortion decoder errors
with button M1 change orange focus to box BD
with encoder 1 adjust baud rate (BD)
with button M2 change orange focus to box SFT
with encoder 2 adjust shift (SFT)
adjust frequency until mark and space frequencies are accurately aligned with the
vertical markers
if vertical markers are invisible, change their color in Display Menu --> TX Carrier
enjoy RTTY being decoded and displayed as running text
RTTY LSB mode = RT-L
shift 170 Hz
45.45 bauds
signals at 915 and 1085 Hz
Shipping RTTY broadcast (marine weather, warnings etc.) of the Deutscher
Wetterdienst DWD:
RTTY USB mode = RT-U
shift 450 Hz