good sounding effect can be adjusted with settings between 3 and 10dB, but that is very
dependent on the hearing habits and the personal preference of the user. Experiment
with this, until you achieve a pleasant and non-tiring result.
AGC Hang enable
Enable the Hang AGC which works like this: Hang is enabled when the signal level
exceeds the AGC hang time threshold. When the level decreases (no more speech, for
example), the hang counter is enabled and holds the AGC gain constant for the hang
time, and after the hang time has expired, the gain increases quite fast (the time until
maximum gain is achieved again can be adjusted with AGC HANG TIME). AGC Hang
feature is nice for medium to strong SSB signals.
Hang AGC: hang threshold and hang time fully adjustable
set AGC Hang enable to ON
set AGC Hang time to your preferred time period (in ms)
set AGC Hang threshold: while you are tuned to the desired signal, decrease the
AGC hang threshold, until the AGC box changes its color to WHITE, decrease a
little bit further --> ready!
AGC-box in a nut-shell:
AGC-box is blue without text: AGC not working
(input signal is lower than AGC threshold)
AGC box is blue with text "AGC": AGC is working on the signal
(input signal is higher than AGC threshold)
AGC box is white with text "AGC": AGC is working, HANG AGC is enabled
(input signal is larger than AGC threshold AND larger than AGC HANG threshold.
If HANG AGC is not enabled, the box will always be blue.
AGC Hang threshold
for signals exceeding this level, the hang AGC is activated. For lower signals, nothing
Fixed gain