the characters and the inter-character-spaces are then sent to the printer routine
which prints them out on the display
One very important addition is an error correction routine which -in the case of a
sequence of dits and dahs that can not be assigned to a character in the look-up-
table- tries out several possibilities to eliminate single dots in order to finally
match the dit/dah sequence to existing characters in the look out table. Also the
error correction tries to correct too short character spaces
So, we are finally there: a sequence of characters and spaces which hopefully
matches the transmitted CW message to a certain extent
Please note that still -in 2017!- there is no algorithm which performs better on
decoding of CW signals than the human ear/brain of trained CW experts! Even
highly sophisticated machine learning algorithms do not perform better than
experienced CW operators.
This is under development. See discussion under
and add any opinions or useful
links there.
PSK demodulation
works as follows:
switch demodulation mode to PSK-U or PSK-L depending on band and/or your
personal preference
use a narrow filter that includes 1000Hz center frequency (for example the
500/950Hz filter)
coarse tune into a PSK31, PSK63 or PSK125 transmission signal (the center
frequency is 1000Hz, which is indicated by the vertical line inside the filter
press M3, so that orange "PSK" box becomes highlighted
adjust PSK mode (31, 63, 125) with encoder 3
fine tune with the SNAP button (only works -100Hz around the 1000Hz
center frequency)
perform further finetuning with 1Hz steps
you should now see the PSK transmission text decoded in the text line
PSK transmission
works as follows: Connect USB keyboard switch to digital mode PSK
and type text. Use F1 and F2 to switch tx/rx. Or long press M1, while in CW mode record