I can see the Speaker/Microphone device but no sound is coming
from/going to the mcHF. I have used an experimental firmware
with USB Audio before.
This might be caused by the sample rate change. You have to tell Windows to switch to
the right sample rate (16bit stereo, 48000 Hz).
Right click on the loudspeaker symbol in the Windows taskbar. Select
Select STM Microphone entry and click on
Click on
tab, and set the right Default Format: 2 channel, 48000 Hz,
DVD Quality
Repeat 1. - 3. for Playback Device, STM Speaker
When I start transmitting using CAT, TX LED goes on for a very
short time and then goes off.
You are in CW-U or CW-L mode. Switch to USB or LSB. TX in CW modes is not
supported yet (and not necessary with most HAM software).
Linux: I can see the /dev/ttyACM0 device, but it still does not
work with the programs like fldigi.
Most likely a program like modemmanager takes control of your devices. Many Linux
distributions still install modemmanager by default. You can either change the udev
rules (see
). The rule for the mcHF is:
`ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="5732", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1"`
You can also uninstall the modemmanager, if it is not needed for other applications.
Another user pointed out that the Braille display driver 'brltty' might also take over
control (see output of command
and search for 'brltty' or use
dmesg | grep
). Unless you have a
Braille display
connected, you can safely uninstall this tool
You also need to have access to the serial port. On most Linux distributions you need to
be member of group 'dialout'. Do an
ls -l /dev/ttyACM*
to find out who is allowed to
access the device. Use
to see which groups you are member of. Use
sudo useradd -G
dialout <yourusername>
to add yourself to the group dialout. Change name of group if