RealCareer® Welding Solutions – guideWELD® LIVE real welding guidance system
Calibration Process
Angle Sensor Calibration
During calibration process and during weld, maintain a firm grasp on welding gun and
Angle Sensor. For best results, keep Angle Sensor in the same location (between palm of
hand/glove and welding gun) without movement.*
1. Tighten the Angle Sensor straps to the palm
of your hand. Cover your hand and the Angle
Sensor with a welding glove
Cover your hand with the welding glove, then
tighten the Angle Sensor straps to the palm of
the glove-covered hand
2. Determine if welding left- or right-handed--use left side calibration fixture for left-handed
users, or right side for right-handed users
3. Determine if calibrating for MIG
or Stick process
a. For MIG, insert the welding
gun into the calibration fixture
b. For Stick, insert the welding
gun into the Stick
Calibration Fixture
4. Tighten the small screw knob
a. For MIG, tighten so the
welding gun nozzle can just
slide in and out of the fixture
with minimal clearance
b. For Stick, tighten on Stick
Calibration Fixture so it cannot
be easily be removed
MIG Calibration Setup
Stick Calibration Setup
*Angle Sensor must be on palm side during
welding for accurate guidance feedback.
Angle Sensor calibration continued on next page >