1. Chimney.
Should the stove be connected to a masonry chimney, the chimney should be examined for cracks, loose
mortar, other signs of deterioration, and blockage. The stove should not be installed until it is determined that the chimney is
safe for use. The size of the flue should be checked to determine that it is not too large for the stove. For this stove, the flue
should be no larger than 12" x 12" or 12" in diameter. (8" x 8" or 6"-8
in diameter is recommended.) The internal cross-
section of the chimney must be at least 28 in. The chimney should also be checked to assure it meets the minimum standards
of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 211.
2. Thimble.
A thimble must be used when the connection from the stove is made through a combustible wall to a masonry
chimney. There are several methods to use for connection through a combustible wall, two of which are illustrated in this
manual. Local building authorities may be consulted or NFPA 211 may be used for additional methods of chimney
Also, listed prefabricated metal thimbles can be bought for use with coal stoves. The manufacturer
s installation instructions for
the thimbles must be strictly followed to assure the safety of the system. Be sure to maintain the designated clearance to
combustible materials.
There are several kits available to connect the stove to a masonry fireplace. Look for a listed kit. The kit is an adapter, which is
installed at the location of the fireplace damper. The existing damper may have to be removed to allow installation of the kit.
The key points of this type of stove connection are that the connector pipe must extend up the chimney above where the fire
clay liner starts, and the areas of the kit installation and connector penetration should fit tightly and be sealed with high
temperature furnace cement unless the kit's instructions state otherwise. [See Figure 16:1.] The tight fitting installation aids
the proper draw of the chimney