6. Command Reference of RPCM CLI
— authentication method by the server. Standard values for the SMTP protocol are
— encryption parameter; the default values are: enable, disable, enable-dontverify-cert.
The return is:
add smtp server ?
The return is:
Required parameters:
Server - address must be an ip address or hostname, 5 to 128 characters
Port - TCP port number from 1 to 65535
Optional parameters:
Helo - domain is optional, however if provided it must be FQDN of
your domain, up to 128 characters
Username - username used for authentication with server, up to 255 characters
Password - password for server authentication, up to 255 characters
AuthType - authentication type used for server: PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAM_MD5
SSL - encryption parameter: enable, disable, enable-dontverify-cert, tls
From - from field in the notification message, up to 255 characters
add smtp server smtp.gmail.com port 587 --helo gmail.com --username [email protected] --pass-
word HelloWorld123 --authType plain --ssl enable
add smtp server smtp.yandex.ru port 25 --username [email protected] --password MyPassword --
authType plain --helo yandex.ru --ssl enable
add smtp server smtp.example.com port 25 --username user --password password --authType
plain --helo example.com --ssl enable --from [email protected]
Type 'help' to get suggestions
Please note that at the very bottom of the help output is an expanded example for the Yandex.-
Mail email:
add smtp server smtp.yandex.ru port 25 --username [email protected] --password MyPassword --
authType plain --helo yandex.ru --ssl enable –from [email protected]
If the command is entered correctly, the system will return:
SMTP server added or existing one updated
The command
delete smtp server
deletes the connection data to the specified smtp server.
The return is:
delete smtp server ?
The return is:
RPCM Commands:
delete smtp server <server> - delete smtp server from configuration
Example of use:
delete smtp server smtp.yandex.ru