(continuación de la página anterior)
Los dos cables de plumas disponibles de Razertip utilizan los cables más flexibles
posibles que pueden manejar el alto flujo de corriente. El cable extra flexible es
un cable calibre 18 que restringe ligeramente el flujo de corriente hacia la punta.
Para una recuperación máxima del calor de la punta, se encuentra disponible el
cable calibre 16 para trabajo pesado. Este modelo maneja fácilmente la corriente,
proporcionando una recuperación de calor y una estabilidad superiores en la
Si está tratando de bombear mucha agua a través de una tubería pequeña con
una bomba pequeña, deberá asegurarse de que no haya restricciones. Así ocurre
con la electricidad. Una mala conexión eléctrica provoca una restricción. Es por
eso que Razertip utiliza conectores enchapados en oro, hechos a medida, para
garantizar el mejor contacto eléctrico posible.
Comprender cómo funciona su herramienta Razertip puede ser muy útil para
diagnosticar y corregir potenciales problemas. Asegúrese de que su cable, pluma
y punta estén en buen estado y que todas sus conexiones estén limpias, ajustadas
y completamente calzadas.
Lo básico sobre herramientas de pirograbado
Jack Light Bezel
A slow pulsing white light will indicate that no power is
being supplied to the pen (idle state).
When the Pen Power Switch at the center of the Heat
Adjust Knob is pressed and released power will be
supplied to the Pen Jack, and the Jack Light Bezel
will change to blue. A solid blue light indicates that
everything is functioning properly. A blinking blue light
indicates that there is either a broken contact in the
cord, pen or tip, or that there is no pen and/or cord
plugged into the Pen Jack.
Auto Shutoff (after 60 minutes)
Auto shutoff in model SL burners ensure that the units cannot be accidentally
left on for long periods. Auto shutoff is also a helpful feature to remind users
to stop and take a break. Both models will auto shutoff if they are used for 60
minutes without any input (changing heat setting, changing jacks, changing pens
or powering a pen on/off). After the unit enters auto shutoff the Jack Light Bezel
will alternately blink blue/white for 30 seconds and the unit will then revert to idle
state. Simply press the Pen Power Switch when you want to activate power to the
Pen Jack again.
Any input to the unit will give you another 60 minutes before auto shutoff.
Thermal Overload State
SL burners are internally protected from thermal overload. The unit will go into
Thermal Overload State and the tip will stop heating when the transformer exceeds
safe operating temperature. Thermal overload is most likely to occur if the unit is
used at high heat settings (70+) continuously for long periods of time, or when
used in very hot conditions. Under typical operation (at normal room temperature
at heat settings below 70) and/or shorter durations (under 30 minutes) thermal
overload is unlikely. If the unit enters Thermal Overload State the Jack Light Bezel
will blink blue/white for 15 seconds and the LED Display will change to “OL”. “OL”
will remain on the display and the unit will not power a pen until the transformer
temperature has dropped below 70ºC.
Pressing and holding the Pen Power Switch anytime for 3 seconds or more will
display the transformer temperature. Releasing the Pen Power Switch will cause
the LED Display to revert to the heat setting (or “OL” if in Thermal Overload State).
Note that if a pen is powered when you check the transformer temperature, power
to the pen will be maintained.
SL burners contain internal cooling fans which will automatically cycle on and off
as required for best operation and longest fan life. They will run continuously at
heat settings above 50.