Data Logging
With the data logging function on the MI3 communication box you can record the temperature values
over time directly in the internal memory of the box.
Pressing on the <Start> button triggers the data storage in accordance to the defined time interval,
given in seconds. The internal memory of the box is 64 MB in size allowing a permanent data storage
over 24 days at a saving interval of 1 s independent from the number of connected heads.
Pressing on the <Start> button again will initiate a new recording session by overwriting
the previously stored data.
Clicking on the <Get data> button opens a dialog box to download the previously stored data as *.dat
file. The data logging file comes in a standard ASCII text format accessible e.g. by means of the
Windows Notepad.
Figure 81: Example for a logging file with recorded data
for the measured object temperature and the internal temperature for sensing head 1
The data logging function is password protectable to ensure data consistency while having multiple
clients connected to the MI3 http server.
A valid password accepts digits only! The factory presetting is 1234.