5. Place the large sealing ring into the groove on the
upper side of the Mounting tray.
6. Pull the SeaTalkng® cable through the Riser and
Mounting tray. Plug in the cable connector on the
underside of the unit and secure by rotating the
locking collar clockwise 2 clicks.
7. Secure the unit to the Mounting tray by positioning
the unit with the LED facing forward and inserting
the unit into the grooves in the Mounting tray.
8. Place the Mounting trim over the unit slightly offset,
and then twist the Mounting trim clockwise until it
locks into position.
5.6 Locking and releasing the
Follow the steps below to lock and release the unit from
the mounting adaptor.
To lock the unit: Place the Mounting trim over the
unit slightly offset, and then twist the Mounting trim
clockwise until it locks into position.
2. To release the unit: Twist the trim piece
counter-clockwise and then lift away from the unit.