9.2 Learning resources
Raymarine has produced a range of learning resources to help you get the most out of your products.
Video tutorials
Raymarine official channel on YouTube:
Video Gallery:
Product Support videos:
• Viewing the videos requires a device with an Internet connection.
• Some videos are only available in English.
Training courses
Raymarine regularly runs a range of in-depth training courses to help you make the most of your
products. Visit the Training section of the Raymarine website for more information:
FAQs and Knowledge Base
Raymarine has produced an extensive set of FAQs and a Knowledge Base to help you find more
information and troubleshoot any issues.
Technical support forum
You can use the Technical support forum to ask a technical question about a Raymarine product
or to find out how other customers are using their Raymarine equipment. The resource is regularly
updated with contributions from Raymarine customers and staff: