55M3500MNE rev. E
Telescopic cranes with derrick pressure sensors Calibration Manual i3500
Audible alarms: an intermittent buzzer sounds if the percentage of the safe working load
is between 85%-99% and a continuous buzzer sounds when the % of the safe working
load is in the range of 100% to 120%. Visual alarms: A yellow led illuminates for an
approach to an overload between 85%-99% of the safe working load. A red led
illuminates for an overload between 100%-119% of the safe working load and an
additional red led illuminates for a cut out > 120% of the safe working load. If the
additional sensors are fitted, then some information about the current slew angle and
the hook height will also be available. The required crane duty charts are stored in a
non-volatile memory and can only be modified with the approval of the crane
manufacturer. The calculated crane parameters and calibration data are stored in an
additional non-volatile memory. The calibration of the crane is performed only with the
use of known loads, boom angles, and other pre-determined data.
2.0 THE I3500 SYSTEM
This section provides technical troubleshooting support. It will answer most questions
that repair personnel may have when installing, repairing or performing maintenance on
the i3500 system.
2.1.1 Diagnostic Menu
A diagnostic menu provides information on the systems status and the state of all
connected sensors. To access the diagnostic menu, press #1 “mode”, and use ”
” or
” to highlight “diagnostic”, then press “
” to enter the diagnostic menu.
The information is divided into several pages with each page applying to only one
sensor or one type of information. The different pages available are: angle/length, load,
relay, general info for a specific type of calibration (e.g. telescopic multi-point), rotation
and also the addresses of sensors detected by the i3500 system.
Depending on the system configuration, a minimum of three pages are always provided:
angle/length, general info and detected addresses. Other pages are optional and are
only shown if one or more sensors are activated by the system (refer to the option
activate/deactivate I/O’ in calibration).