55M3500MNE rev. E
Telescopic cranes with derrick pressure sensors Calibration Manual i3500
2.2.10 Multi-point no-load calibration: ("-no load calibration")
This procedure must be carried out for each different condition of dead weight of the
boom. For example separate no-load calibrations need to be done with the manual
section in, the manual section out, each jib erected at each fixed offset etc.
Refer to the computer printout supplied with the i3500. A ‘no-load’ calibration plus
unloaded and loaded boom deflection calibrations are necessary for each duty where
the ‘select’ number is different (except rooster sheave duties).
The crane needs to be rigged for each of these conditions and the appropriate duty
need to be selected to complete the procedure. Since this also applies to boom
deflection calibration, it is recommended to do both no-load and boom deflection
calibrations while the machine is rigged on one particular condition to save times.
1. During this procedure boom angle, boom length and pressures are displayed at
various times for reference purposes on the display window.
2. The derrick motion immediately before recording a calibration point should
always be up/in. If it was necessary to derrick down/out, then derrick up/in slightly
before recording the calibration point. When telescoping in or out it is not
necessary to derrick up/in, unless the crane has had to be derricked down/out
during telescoping for some other reason.
3. Ensure that the crane chassis is level for all no load, boom deflection, and load
correction calibrations.
Note: it is essential that all the geometric data was checked and entered correctly in
section 2.2.4 before continuing with this calibration.
Setting the length points for the No Load calibration
Start this procedure with the boom fully retracted. Navigate through the calibration
menu using
” or “
” to highlight the field “- no load calibration”, press “
” to confirm
this choice.
The display shows:
Current Duty = x. Press 4 if OK
x is the current selected duty number. This must correspond with the current
crane configuration, if incorrect use
#5 ”ESC” to exit the calibration mode and set the
correct duty number in the normal working mode.
After pressing
” to accept the duty to be calibrated the display shows:
Maximum length for this Duty = xx.x
Where xx.x. is the maximum working boom length as measured by the extension drum
in the length units selected for calibration (not including extension fly jibs etc ie usually
at the top of the last telescoping section or manual section). If the boom is not to be
used at the maximum length for this duty (e.g. last section(s) retracted) or to be used at