55M3500MNE rev. E
Telescopic cranes with derrick pressure sensors Calibration Manual i3500
Recording the ‘no load’ pressure map
The following procedure to record unloaded boom weight pressures should be carried
out with the hook block suspended at all times. Be careful not to exceed the operating
parameters of the crane particularly at long boom lengths and low angles.
The display will show:
Press “
” when ready to calibrate
The i3500 has now been programmed with all preset points and ready to calibrate.
When ready press
”. Display shows;
Calibration point 1
Press. pd1: aa.a pd2: bb.b
Boom length: cc.c < dd.d
Angle: ee.e > ff.f
aa.a is the current bore side pressure
bb.b is the current rod side pressure
cc.c is the current boom length
dd.d is the target boom length
ee.e is the current boom angle
ff.f is the target boom angle
Plus a message asking to telescope in or out to the required length. When the boom
length is correct the display will change to:
Calibration point 1
Press. pd1: aa.a pd2: bb.b
Boom length: cc.c is ok
Angle: ee.e > ff.f
Plus asking a message to boom up or down to the required angle. When the boom
angle is correct the display will change to:
Calibration point 1
Press. pd1: aa.a pd2: bb.b
Boom length: cc.c is ok
Angle: ee.e is ok
Ensure the last derricking motion to reach the calibration point is in/up and after allowing
the crane to stabilise and settle (about 30 seconds), press
” to record the calibration
point. Repeat this procedure for each calibration point in turn starting with all angles for
length 1 then length 2 etc. until all lengths and angles have been recorded. When the
final calibration point is accepted the i3500 will automatically return to the main
calibration menu and the calibration information will permanently be stored in memory.
Note: If for any reason a no load calibration is abandoned before completion, no data
will be permanently stored and the full routine will need to be repeated. To abandon a
no load calibration at any point before completion press
#5 “ESC”, confirm the action
by selecting
yes and pressing “