55M3500MNE rev. E
Telescopic cranes with derrick pressure sensors Calibration Manual i3500
Accurately measure the actual hook radius from the centre line of slew of the machine
and use
” or “
” to adjust the value of x.x until the displayed radius equals the
measured radius, note that the indicated radius can only be increased, not decreased.
” to accept the change, the display will change to show the current boom
length and a new target boom length. Without changing the boom angle, telescope the
boom in to the new target length, when the boom is at the correct extension the display
will change to show:
to continue
Press “
”, the display will change to show:
– unloaded boom defle
up or down to edit
to accept
As before, accurately measure the actual hook radius from the centre line of slew of the
machine and use
” or “
” to adjust the value of x.x until the displayed radius equals
the measured radius, note that the indicated radius can only be increased, not
decreased and that the value of
x.x must be less than the equivalent value entered with
the boom at maximum extension. Press
” to accept the change, the system will
automatically return to the main calibration menu.
On tyres deflection
This procedure is only relevant if the machine has lifting duties on tyres, only one
calibration is available. It is used to add an allowance into the calculation of the hook
radius to compensate for tyre deflection before a load is lifted. This procedure should
only be used for the main boom configuration.
Ensure the current duty selection matches the actual crane configuration to be
calibrated, i.e. main boom on tyres. Navigate through the calibration menu using
” to highlight the field “- f.o.w deflection”, press “
” to confirm the choice. The
display will show the current boom length and a target boom length for calibration. With
the hook block suspended and the boom at approximately 60°, telescope the boom in to
the minimum length.