55M3500MNE rev. E
Telescopic cranes with derrick pressure sensors Calibration Manual i3500
Enter the remaining lengths as prompted ensuring that each new calibration length is
larger than the preceding one and less than the maximum length.
Setting the angle points for the No Load calibration
When the last calibration length has been entered the display shows:
Angle step Length 1 = xx
xx is the number of angle steps to calibrate for length 1.
Length 1 is fully retracted. The number of angle steps must be between 2 (min) and 18
(max). The more points used the greater the accuracy, but the longer the calibration
time. It is suggested that points at 5 degree intervals will give an acceptable result.
Hence for example if the maximum angle is 80 degrees and minimum is 20 degrees
then 13 points should be used.
” or “
” to set xx to the required number of angle steps for calibration length 1
then press
” to accept.
Enter the number of angle calibration points for each length step in turn as prompted.
Hook Block Weight
After the last number of angle points is entered the display shows:
Block = x.xx
x.xx represents the hook block weight that will be suspended during the no-load
calibration process in metric tonnes or lbs x 1000 depending on calibration units
Set the hook block weight
x.xx using “
” or “
” and press “
” to accept.
Maximum Boom Angle
The display will show:
Boom up to max possible angle then press “
Derrick the boom up to the maximum possible angle, that is, with the boom hoist
cylinder almost fully extended, just avoiding the maximum boom angle stops. Press
when done.
Minimum boom angle
The display will show:
Min Angle Length 1 = xx.x
xx.x is the lowest working angle in degrees for length 1 (retracted). Check the
load chart and determine the lowest rated angle for each of the boom lengths you have
previously entered; i.e. length 1, length 2, etc. and enter separate minimum working
angles for each calibration length as prompted.