Raychem-IM-H58033-XLTracePipeFreezeProtectionCOM-EN 18/01
Thermal Insulation
Insulating the System
Pipes must be insulated with the correct thermal
insulation to maintain the desired pipe tempera-
tures. Confirm that the insulation thickness agrees
with the system design.
Insulation Installation
• Before insulating the pipe, visually inspect the
heating cable and connection kits to ensure they
are properly installed and there are no signs of
damage. Damaged heating cable or connection
kits must be replaced.
• Check that the insulation type and thickness is
• Insulate the pipes immediately after the heating
cable is installed and has passed all tests to mini-
mize damage to the heating cable.
• Insulate the pipe at floor and wall penetrations.
Failure to do so will cause cold spots in the water
system and could lead to damage to the heating
cable. If local codes do not allow this, the heating
cable should be run through a conduit or channel
before the firestop is installed. Use a fire-resistant
sealing compound such as Dow Corning Fire Stop,
3M Fire Barrier, or T&B Flame-Safe.
• Do not use staples to seal insulation. Use tape
or the adhesive-lined edge of the insulation to
ensure that the seam remains sealed. Staples can
damage the heating cable.
Figure 19: Sealing the insulation seam