PowerPlus System 100-3-1U
320-1398) QRC | Rev.A
© Raycap | All rights reserved.
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Cold Module Replacement
• Cold Module Replacement
is the replacement of a module when the system is off.
Every module stores the settings of all other modules which participate in the system.
When the system boots, all the modules will exchange their stored settings. If the settings between
the modules disagree, the system will change to
settings mode
and will waiting for new settings to be
input. This is the start point of the
initial settings
menu. All the modules will display the “
Initially, in an empty system (empty slots), 1,2 or 3 modules may be plugged in, these may have
random stored settings (Cold Module Replacement). After power on the modules will exchange
their stored settings, if the settings between modules are different, the system will change to
settings mode
and it will wait for new settings. This is also a start point of the
initial settings
Hot Module Replacement
• Hot Module Replacement
is the replacement of a module when the system is running.
Every module stores the settings of all other modules in the system.
When a module fails (primary module or secondary module failure) it must be replaced. The
replacement may occur while the system is running. The settings of the replaced module will be
transferred automatically to the new module and the system will continue to operate normally.
The Hot Module Replacement is recommended instead of Cold Module Replacement because
in Cold Module Replacement the system will prompt for
initial settings
. Also during Hot Module
Replacement the system operation will not be interrupted.
Hot Module Replacement: Invalid Module Installation
If a system is configured and has 1 or 2 empty slots (in either operational mode i.e. parallel/single),
hot module installation
in any empty slot is invalid. The invalid module will display
” and the invalid module must be removed.
If there is a
cold module installation
in open slot(s) (in either operational mode i.e. parallel/single),
then the system will prompt for initial settings during power on.