Turn off distance (m)
The Turn off dist. (m) parameter refers to the turn off distance [B] measured from the field border [C].
At this position in the field, the metering slides start to close.
Fig. 57: Distance off (measured from field border)
Turn off distance
Field border
If you want to change the switch-off position, you need to adjust the Turn off dist. (m) accordingly.
A lower value means that the switch-off position is closer to the field border.
A greater value means that the switch-off position is closer to the center of the field.
If you want to turn through the headland track, enter a greater distance in Turn off dist. (m). Here, the
adjustment must be as low as possible so that the metering slides close as soon as the tractor enters
the headland track. An adjustment of the switch-off distance may lead to insufficient fertilization around
the switch-off positions in the field.
5. Spreading operation