Danger Warnings about the CC Transmitter
Max readable pressure: 250 BAR (3625 Psi)
Max supportable pressure: 300 BAR (4351 Psi)
The Ratio® CC Transmitter IS NOT meant for a PROFESSIONAL use.
The Ratio® CC Transmitter is meant exclusively for a sport use (recreational or technical).
- Maximum depth: 220mt / 721ft
- Maximum altitude: 5000mt / 16404 ft
- Recharge the CC Transmitter using a PS1 category (EN 62368) (not included)
- Supply voltage: 5V c.c. +/-0.2V 500mAh
• A use which is not compliant to what has been said above, could expose the diver to an increasing risk of incurring in the
Decompression Sickness (DCS). For this reason we discourage its use in case of professional or commercial dives, unless it is
used as an operator’s further support device.
• Before dive it is necessary to check the battery autonomy. It is suggested not to dive if the battery level is at 30% (red light)
or at lower percentages; (it is mandatory to have a pressure gauge of each tank used)
• Before the dive check the inegrity of the CC Transmitter. The CC Transmitter have not to have rifts, cracks, damages or similar,
that the seals on the screws are present and that the CC Transmisitter has not been altered in any way. If the CC Transitter has
been damaged in any way do not use the CC transmitter.
• Never lift or carry your tank by holding the CC Transmitter. This may damage the CC Transmistter!
WARNING: DO NOT USE the CC Transmitter that has been damaged !
Using a CC Transitter that has been damaged in any way is dangerous! Do not assembly the CC Trasnsmitter to your first
stage if the CC Transmitter or the first stage are damaged. Always refer to the safety check of the pressure gauge and HP
hoses as you have been trained during your diving certification training. If you have not received a proper dive training or if