Turn on the CC Transmitter and check the battery
CC Transmitter automatically powers up as soon as the tank pressure is detected.
In order to turn on the transmitter, it is necessary to connect it to a tank and then open the tank valve. It is always advisable
to open the tank gradually, and in case gas loss from any of the tools applied to the tank is perceived, close the tank.
WARNING: If you do not know how to safely open a tank, refer to your instructor!
During the boot phase, the transmitter carries out a checking of the leds by powering them up in string (Blue -> Red
-> Yellow ->Green), and after that it indicates the battery level by powering up one of the three leds for three seconds,
according to the battery status (see below chart). Finally, it confirms the end of the boot phase with a blue flash.
Once the boot phase is concluded, the CC Transmitter starts to show the tank pressure throught the Colour Code system.
Led Control
See chapter “Colour Code
during diving“
Battery status
(3 sec.)