Important Warnings
General Warnings about the CC Transmitter
It is necessary to read this manual carefully before using the computer RATIO®. A wrong use of this computer or its accessories will
nullify the warranty and could cause permanent damages to the device and/or its accessories.
• The diving computer DOES NOT replace an adequate diving training and should be used only by those divers who have been
opportunely trained.
• The Ratio® CC Transmitter DOES NOT replace the PRESSURE GAUGE, so it is compulsory having always a working pressure gauge
for each tank. Even if the CC Transmitter is working properly it is always suggested to check from time to time the pressure gauge.
• The RATIO® computer and the CC Transmitter are auxiliary instruments to the dive, so it is compulsory having always an
appropriate diving chart and a pressure gauge for each tank in order to carry out the decompression phase in case the devices are
• Diving has some intrinsic risks which cannot never be completely eliminated.
No computer or diving chart can guarantee that the risk of Decompression Disease (DD) or Oxygen toxicity to the central nervous
system don’t exist, even if the diver follows meticulously and accurately the indications given by the computer or the diving chart.
• The Wireless communication between the dive computer and the Transmitter can stop working, both inside and outside the
• Use the Transmitter far away from any electromagnetic source
• Is possible that the Transmitter can not work properly if electromagnetic interferences are present in the same signal range used
by the Transmitter.
this is the manual of the Ratio® CC Transmitter (an
accessory of the dive computer). It is mandatory to read the “Warnings” of the manual of the Ratio® dive computer before to dive! The
User manual of your Ratio® dive computer is available on: www.ratio-computers.com/support