2-20 Installing Your Peritek Graphics Board
2.9 Using an Eclipse3 Board in a SPARC CPU
2.9.1 Multiboard Operation
The Rastergraf loadable DDX module supports multihead operation under
Solaris 8 with Xinerama.
If you are running on a Sun system, you should have the Rastergraf
OpenBoot FCode image loaded into the graphics board. This will enable
OpenBoot to correctly identify the graphics board on startup and use it as
the console.
Single Graphics Board
If the Rastergraf board is to be the system display (and you don't have
another display board installed), OpenBoot should find the Rastergraf
board, and initialize the display.
Multiple Graphics Boards
If you do have another display board in the system, the order in which the
boards are plugged into the backplane or motherboard will determine
which board will be used for the system display. If OpenBoot picks the
wrong one, swap cables or turn power off and swap the boards' positions.
If your system has a non-removable VGA controller and you want to use
the Rastergraf board as the system display you may have a problem. If
OpenBoot starts up using the built-in VGA, you may be able to disable it
with an OpenBoot EEPROM setting. Otherwise, contact the system board
manufacturer. Failing these things, you are probably out of luck.
2.9.2 Using OpenBoot and the Rastergraf FCode on Eclipse3
Eclipse3 has the capability to function as a console device using the
embedded OpenBoot FCode firmware programmed into the Eclipse3
The display defaults to 1152 x 864 @ 60hz, 8 bits per pixel with separate
horizontal and vertical sync signals and black text on a white background.
Please skip to Section 2.13 if you do not wish to change the default
(startup) appearance of the display.
Note that both analog (RGB) and DVI are supported by the BIOS code.
Connection to a DVI monitor is detected and the appropriate register
values are set without the need to have the user set any special flags or