Appendix D: Informational Notes
Video Mode and Resolution Notes
Video Image Appears Dark when Using a Mac
If you are using a Mac
with an HDMI video port and the video seems too
dark, enable DVI Compatibility Mode on the CIM to help resolve the
See Configuring CIM Ports
Black Stripe/Bar(s) Displayed on the Local Port
Certain servers and video resolutions may display on the local port with
small black bars at the edge of the screen.
If this occurs:
1. Try a different resolution, or
2. If using a digital CIM, then change the Display Native Resolution on
the Port Configuration page to another resolution, or
3. If using the HDMI CIM, use the DVI Compatibility Mode.
Contact Raritan Technical Support for additional assistance.
Sun Composite Synch Video
composite synch video is not supported.
SUSE/VESA Video Modes
The SuSE configuration tool SaX2 generates video modes using
modeline entries in the configuration file. These video modes do
not correspond exactly with VESA video mode timing (even when a
VESA monitor is selected). The KX III, on the other hand, relies on exact
VESA mode timing for proper synchronization. This disparity can result in
black borders, missing sections of the picture, and noise.
To configure the SUSE video display:
1. The generated configuration file /etc/X11/xorg.conf includes a
Monitor section with an option named UseModes. For example,
UseModes "Modes[0]"
2. Either comment out this line (using #) or delete it completely.
3. Restart the X server.
With this change, the internal video mode timing from the X server is
used and corresponds exactly with the VESA video mode timing,
resulting in the proper video display on the KX III.