Instrument Functions
User Manual 1178.8736.02 ─ 05
7. Select "Load" to load the selected file.
The R&S
NGL/NGM loads the selected arbitrary file.
8. Applicable only with R&S NGL-K103 or R&S NGM-K103, Digital Output option.
Chapter 6.6, "Trigger / Digital I/O"
Activate "Start triggered" or "Step triggered" if the arbitrary function is executed
under triggered condition.
● "Start triggered": If triggered, the complete arbitrary function is executed.
● "Step triggered": If triggered, every arbitrary step needs a trigger signal to exe-
cute (step time from "Arb Editor" is ignored).
Arbitrary Editor
To edit the arbitrary file:
1. Press [Settings] key.
The R&S
NGL/NGM displays the device/channel menu window.
2. Select "Device" tab to edit the arbitrary file.
The R&S
NGL/NGM displays the "Device" menu.
3. Select "Arb Editor" from the menu.
The R&S
NGL/NGM displays the "Arb Editor" dialog.
Advanced Features