Welcome to R&S
User Manual 1178.8736.02 ─ 05
Welcome to R&S
The one or two-channel power supply series are based on a classical transformer con-
cept with linear regulators. This concept allows the instrument to achieve highest accu-
racy and lowest residual ripple.
The R&S
NGL/NGM power supply series feature galvanically isolated, floating over-
load and short-circuit proof outputs. When multiple channels are connected in parallel,
higher currents can be achieved. When connected in serial, higher voltages are ach-
Multi-purpose protection functions are available for each channel which you can set
separately, such as overcurrent protection (OCP), overvoltage protection (OVP) and
overpower protection (OPP). If such a limit is reached, the affected output channel is
automatically turned off and an indicator icon ( , , ) blinks on the display. In the
case of two-channel power supply (NGL202, NGM202), the overcurrent protection can
be linked to the other channel. In this case, the linked channel is turned off when the
other channel reaches a limit.
Additionally, the R&S
NGL/NGM is protected with overtemperature protection (OTP).
This safety feature protects the R&S
NGL/NGM from overheating. When the tempera-
ture in the power supply exceeds the OTP limit, the channel outputs are automatically
cut off.
The Arbitrary function allows a freely definable voltage and current sequences with a
timeframe as short as 1 ms. It allows varying the voltage or current during a test
sequence, for example to simulate different charging conditions of a battery. With
"Ramp" function, the R&S
NGL/NGM provides the operating condition to ramp up the
supply voltage within a defined timeframe of 10 ms to 10 s.
All R&S
NGL/NGM power supplies are equipped with a color TFT display (800 pixels x
480 pixels) and enhanced with touch input capability. The R&S
NGL/NGM comes with
a USB and LAN (LXI) interface. Equipped with a wireless LAN (WLAN) option, you can
establish a network connection wirelessly.
The digital I/O interface installed at the rear panel is activated with an option, it allows a
single trigger-in signal to control multi trigger-out signals on the power supply, providing
many possibilities to control outputs and associated devices in the event when a trigger
The user manual contains description of the functionalities that the instrument pro-
vides. The latest version is available for download at the product homepage (
for R&S NGM) .