Loco-1 / Loco-2
V1.1 - English
page 14 of 36
Flash function
A small flash sequence can be programmed by programming up to 2
on and 2 off times in the corresponding CVs. Thus, for example a
flash or a blinking light can be set (individually or alternately). The
flashing mode can be set to any of the 4 function outputs and using
the F key on and off. For the flash function, it is necessary to allocate
it accordingly to bit 6 of the mapping function.
TELEX® - coupling / Roco® - digital coupling
The decoder has a kick-function for electric couplings. The coupling
is first activated for 250ms at full voltage, then the drive voltage is
lowered by a PWM. A maximum activation time or continuous
operation can be set.
Note: Please enable this feature before starting the locomotive opera-
tion because otherwise the electric coupling can be damaged by ac-
tuation with permanent full decoder voltage.
These two effects are adjustable for prototypical operations of U.S.
locomotives. These effects can be adapted to LED lighting.
Overtemperature / Overload
The decoder is protected against overtemperature and overload. The
function outputs and the motor output switch off in case of overload
or overtemperature. If this is the case, check all connections for
shorts and whether the connected loads are suitable for the decoder.
In DCC systems the maximum temperature reached and the error
reason can be read via the corresponding CV.