RC3000-15 (P100R001) Hardware Description
10 Data cards
Raisecom Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Raisecom Technology Co., Ltd.
10.7 16C64K
10.7.1 Functions and appearance
The 16C64K, a 16-way codirectional 64K data service card, transmits
codirectional 64K data from 16 directions to the cross connection card
through the backplane for the use of cross connection. It provides the
following functions:
Provide 16 codirectional 64K data interfaces which are independent of
each other.
Support fixed bandwidth of 64 kbit/s on the interface. These 16
interfaces use 16 timeslots in turn.
Support embedded BERT for channels. BERT can be concurrently
conducted on only one interface while other interfaces are
transmitting services.
Support channel loopback, including internal and external loopback.
Support EMC and overcurrent protection.