Weather Station - Model “PRO”
Model “PRO” - Weather Station
Nov., 2001
GT27145B Cozz
1 Month -
Check the temperature/relative
humidity sensor for contamination.
6 Months -
Clean the temperature/relative
humidity sensor.
Check battery by disconnecting the
AC Power and allow it to stabilize
for at least 2 hours. Then check the
voltage. Reconnect battery to AC
1 Year -
Replace the RH chip if necessary.
2 Years -
Calibrate the Pyranometer (some
suggest yearly).
Replace RH chip in Air Temp/RH
Calibrate the Tipping Bucket Rain
Gage. To check accuracy of the rain
gage - 16 ounces of fluid is equal
to 1” of rainfall. Fluid must be
poured into the gage
to get an accurate bucket
tipping count.
4 - 5 Years -
Replace sensor cables as requires.
General Maintenance
An occasional cleaning of the glass
on the solar panel will improve its
Check sensor leads and cables for
cracking, deterioration, proper
routing and strain relief.
Check the tower for structural
damage, proper alignment and for