Raider Operators Manual R40ES-001-15-1
5. Inspect the engine's steering, throttle, de-watering and shift systems for damage due to
corrosion, aging, lack of maintenance, or abuse. Follow the maintenance and lubrication
recommendations when servicing these systems.
6. Replace the engine's fuel filter.
7. Clean and inspect oil reservoir. Fill the oil tank with recommended oil to reduce or prevent con-
densation from forming in the tank during storage. Tank should be full prior to submersion.
8. Remove propeller and check for damage. A slightly bent propeller blade can hardly be noticed
but will affect the performance of the engine. Clean the propeller shaft and lubricate with
9. Drain and refill the gear case. Lubricate the engine. See Gear case Lubrication in this section.
10. Check the engine carefully. Make sure screws and nuts are tight. Replace damaged or worn parts.
11. Make sure electrical and fuel system fasteners and clamps are tight and in good condition.
Failure to do so may cause electrical sparks and fuel leakage under the engine cover.
Fire and explosion could occur.
12. Replace engine cover. Use touch-up paint where needed.
13. Coat all outside painted surfaces of engine with automotive wax.
14. The engine should typically stored in a normal (vertical) position on the boat or on an
adequate engine stand. The engine is capable of being stored in a horizontal position
For extended periods of time in a RAMZ or T-Duck configuration.
h. Out of Storage Service
1. Check gear case lubrication. If leakage is evident, gear case seals may need attention. See
Gear case Lubrication in this section.
2. Apply a light coating of Electrical Grease to the ribbed portion of the spark plug ceramics and the
opening of the spark plug covers. Connect spark plug leads. Make sure spark plug boots are
not cracked or torn.
3. When engine is reattached to the boat's transom, make sure the mounting brackets, clamps,
and hardware are structurally sound and in proper working condition. If mounting compo-
nents use the wrong fasteners, are carelessly installed, or are defective, sudden unexpected loss
of engine and boat control may result.
4. Check for evidence of water in the oil tank. Do not operate the engine if water is present in the oil
tank. Serious powerhead damage can occur.
5. If the fuel hose has been disconnected, reinstall it.
6. Insure battery is unhooked and plugged into charger.