Raider Operators Manual R40ES-001-15-1
3. Raider Running
a. Fuels (Multi-fuel)
The Raider can run on jet fuels (JP-5/8), diesel fuel, kerosene, gasoline or gasohol/ethanol.
There are four processes (1. Turn top lever to green; 2) Turn up Secondary to green; 3) turn
counter clock valve
open the entire way; 4) lift knob up, insert lock to completed running
on heavy fuels. If you switch from one fuel to another fuel the Raider engine will operate dur-
ing transition. When using the twin engine configuration it is recommended similar fuels are
used. Additives must be added to fuel prior to missions that use JP-5/8 heavy fuels.
b. Raider Break in
10 Hours. The Raider has provided the break in at the factory. The most critical time in the life of the
Raider engine is the first 10 hours of operation. Correct operation during this break-in period will pro-
long the life of the engine and ensure optimum performance. The procedures we follow are shown
Battery Care and Maintenance
1. Battery should be un-
installed when not in use
and placed on charger.
2. Battery is pluggable into
If battery goes “dead” Raider will
use pull starter to start
Primer: This is used to push fuel
into the Fuel Induction System