Raider Operators Manual R40ES-001-15-1
p. Overheating
DO NOT operate engine out of water even momentarily.
The engine’s Water Temperature s
ensor is NOT a warning device.
The Raider does not have an overheat warning. The Raider will not initiate a warning to prevent
powerhead damage. In the event of an overheat situation called
“vapor lock”
slide dewatering
valve to rear which initiates dewatering of fuel; then squeeze new fuel into engine, close de-
watering valve and start.
If you suspect the engine is overheating or has overheated, STOP the engine only when it is
When operating the engine, the water intakes must be completely submerged. Make sure the
water intake screens are not installed upside down (ramps must be forward). If upside down,
the engine will overheat. Observe proper transom height and engine trim angle.
When engine is running, the water pump indicator on the starboard side of the lower motor
cover must be discharging a steady stream of water. Check the indicator often, particularly when
operating in weeds, mud, or debris laden water, or at an extreme engine angle.
IF the water pump indicator stops or becomes intermittent, reduce engine speed to an idle when
it is safe. Shift engine into REVERSE and operate at a slow speed for about 10 seconds. This
might clear debris blocking the water intake screens.
IF the water pump indicator is still not discharging a steady stream of
water, SHUT OFF the engine when it is safe. Clean the water intake
screens and water pump indicator. Restart the engine and run at idle.
IF the water pump indicator still does not discharge a steady stream of
water, SHUT OFF the engine when it is safe. DO NOT attempt to operate engine.
IF a steady stream of water is visible from the water pump indicator, check to see if the re-
strictor is installed in the end of the water hose. Without it, the engine and ECU will over-
heat. Continue to run engine at SLOW SPEED ONLY when it is safe until it returns to normal
operating temperature.
If the engine overheats; the cylinder and exhaust cover screws must be re-torqued.
q. Emergency Starting
Make sure the shift lever is at NEUTRAL to prevent sudden boat
movement when the engine starts.
The engine cover is a machinery guard. Prevent injury by keep-
ing hands, clothing, and hair clear of all moving parts. DO NOT
use your hands to turn the flywheel; use recoil starter only.
Prevent electric shock by keeping clear of the ignition coil and
spark plug leads when the engine is being started or is running.
Shock can cause serious personal injury under certain conditions.
Unlatch, then lift and remove engine cover.