Raider Operators Manual R40ES-001-15-1
4. General Maintenance
General Safety Warnings
When replacement parts are required, use genuine Raider parts or parts with equivalent
characteristics including type, strength, and material. Failure to do so may result in
product malfunction and possible injury to the operator and/or passengers.
To prevent possible eye injury, always wear SAFETY GLASSES while servicing the unit.
Always read and follow safety related precautions found on containers of hazardous
substances like parts cleaners, primers, sealants, and sealant remover.
The engine cover is a machinery guard. Use caution when conducting tests on running
engines. Do not wear jewelry or loose clothing. Keep hair, hands, and clothing away from
rotating flywheel.
Replace any locking fastener (locknut or patch screw) if it’s locki
ng feature becomes
weak. Definite resistance to tightening must be felt or locking fastener is not suitable for
continued use. Replace only with authorized replacement part or equivalent.
Fuel/Oil Requirements
Mix Fuel to Oil ratio: 50 - 1
Oil Requirements: Recommend - Raider Oil additive.
Above 30° F Biodegradable Outboard Oil
Below 30° F 100% Fully Synthetic 2-Cycle Engine
Recommended Fuel: Gasoline,
Jet A, - Heavy Fuels JP5 or JP8, kerosene, diesel #2
Additive required to reduce smoke/emissions and carbon
build up in Raider. Use in addition to Raider 2-Stroke oil.
When using JP-5/8 fuels you must use
both Raider Two-Stroke mix AND the
Raider fuel supplement additive.