Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića - Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
e-mail: [email protected]
Regular yearly maintenance
Regular maintenance is done at the end of each heating season from April 15th to August
31st and is charged according to the set price list of Radijator inzenjering company. The
maintenance procedure, performed by technicians performing regular yearly maintenances
authorized by the company, include the following operations:
NOTE: The servicing technician is obliged to inspect all listed parts
(from the list) of the dozer and exchanger and if it comes to the
replacement of any parts the user receives the aforementioned
warranty and the additional 12-month warranty for the boiler body
(exchanger) as well. The warranty can be extended up to 5 years
from the initiation date. The warranty and extension can be done by
the person sent by the central maintenance department of Radiator
inzenjering. The warranty isn’t valid to unchanged parts upon
completing maintenance.
Disassembling the pellets transporter, inspecting its validity, and inspecting the
validity of bearings and lubrication;
The bearing mustn’t have hindered rotation. On the contrary, the bearing gets
replaced. Should it be discovered that the bearing was damaged because of dropping a
solid object into the pellets transporter (mistake of the user or pellets manufacturer),
Radiator inzenjering charges the value of the bearing.
Disassembling the combustion cap of the furnace and cleaning furnace space beneath
the cup. The inspection of the cup;
Remove the probe of smoke gases and clean it from the layers;
Inspecting the fan;
Inspecting the door sealing;
Inspecting the maintenance of the boiler’s exchanger.
Cleaning smoke channels.