Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića - Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
e-mail: [email protected]
These conditions may lead to a worse discharge of the combustion products,
especially carbon monoxide which can, in extreme cases, impair health and even lead
to suffocation.
The safety thermostat of the water boiler
Picture 3
Picture 3. Safety thermostat
The safety thermostat has safety functions as a water temperature limiter in the boiler. This
thermostat is so-called operational and serves to limit temperature to the user-wanted level.
Safe temperature is limited to 103 degrees Celsius. This thermostat is physically installed at
the back of the boiler and is electrically connected to the automatic controls.
For the safe operation of the
UNI 25
boiler, the following elements need to be installed and it
is necessary to keep them functional (
they do NOT come with the boiler, only with the
PLUS version
The safety pressure valve;
The automatic air vent;
Picture 4. Safety pressure valve Picture 5. Automatic air vent Picture 6. Manometer
The safety pressure valve (Picture 4) is already factory-installed to the water boiler
and it has a nominal diameter of ½ col, calibrated to the maximum value of 3 bars.
Belonging to a group of pressure limiters, this safety element has to be constructed in
such a way to endure short-term trespassing of both temperature and pressure, as well
as to contain a certain amount of glycol in the liquid used for heating. Discharging or
exhausting or part of the safety valve (if the user wants to install it) has to be made
from the pipe which has a diameter at least equal to the nominal diameter of the