Radijator UNI 25 Instruction Manual Download Page 42




Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića - Solunca br.6, Srbija 

tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs 

e-mail: [email protected] 




Important warnings 

General warnings 


Upon removing the package, make sure that the delivery is complete and, in case you 
are missing something, refer to the seller who sold you the boiler. 


The boiler must be used exclusively for the use intended by the seller. Every kind of 
responsibility won’t be taken by the manufacturer for the damage caused to  people, 
animals, or things in case of installation errors, regulation, maintenance, or  improper 


In  case  of  leakage,  remove  the  device  from  the  power  supply  unit,  stop  the  water  
supply, and inform the licensed service department or the licensed fitter. 


This manual is an integral part of the device and has to be kept with care and has to 
come with the device in case of changing owner or user, or in case of being connected 
to another installation. In case of being damaged or lost, request a new copy from the 
licensed seller. 

Boiler is a heat generator comprised of the mechanical part in which water is subjected to 
pressure, but there are many electrical components subjected to voltage. In these devices 
where the probability of contact between water and electrical components is high, the 
following general and special safety measures have to be followed: 


Children  and  persons  with  certain  limitations  without  supervision  mustn’t  use  the 


Water boiler mustn’t be used on installations with operating pressure higher than 2.5 
bars and operating temperature higher than 90˚C. 


This  device  is  a  thermal  energy  producer  through  water  as  well  as  directly,  by 
emitting  into  the  surrounding  space.    Therefore,  there  are  surfaces  so  heated  that 
touching  them  can  cause  serious  injuries.  While  working  with  those  surfaces,  use 
protective  equipment.  Especially,  pay  attention  to  keep  children  away  from  directly 
coming into contact with the device. 


Every sort of intervention by a technician or cleaning by the user is forbidden until the 
device is removed from the mains power supply by removing the outlet from the wall. 


The  replacement  of  safety  components  is  forbidden.  Replace  these  components  in 
case  of  malfunction  only  with  the  consent  of  a  licensed  technician  from  the 
manufacturer, that is Radiator inzenjering, or contact the manufacturer directly. 


The  exposure  of  water  boiler  to  natural  disasters  is  forbidden.  This  device  isn’t 
designed to be installed externally (outside). 


Shutting  down  the  device  is  forbidden  if  the  outdoor  temperature  may  drop  below 
zero degrees Celsius (freezing hazard). 


Putting fingers and other items into the holes located on the outer parts of the device’s 
plating. Under the plate, there are electrical components and conductors subjected to 
voltage as well as mechanically operated devices (the electric gear motor and the fan). 
Coming into contact with them can lead to electrocution and physical injuries. 


It is forbidden to install the device in the proximity of flammable materials, especially 
pay  attention  to  the  material  which  isolates  the  boiler  from  the  floor.  It  has  to  be 
inflammable and possess specific dimensions. Refer to the section ‘Installing’. 


The water boiler mustn’t be covered, nor can it have any objects on or around it.  

Summary of Contents for UNI 25

Page 1: ...Kotao na BIOMASU BIOMASS heating boiler UNI 25 UNI 25 PLUS INSTRUKCIJE INSTRUCTION MANUAL Monta a kori enje i odr avanje kotla Assembly use and maintenance of heating boiler...

Page 2: ...nosti kod UNI 25 kotla 6 3 3 Radni prostor i pozicioniranje UNI 25 kotla 9 3 4 Monta a UNI 25 kotla na dimnjak 10 4 Presek UNI 25 kotla sa opisom elemenata 14 5 ema povezivanja automatike 15 6 Tabela...

Page 3: ...ka zahteva se po tovanje slede ih op tih i posebnih sigurnosnih mera Zabranjeno je kori enje pelet kotla od strane dece i osoba sa ograni enim mogu nostima bez pratnje Zabranjeno je kori enje pelet ko...

Page 4: ...ranjen je istovremeni rad prinudne ventilacije na primer kuhinjski aspirator i pelet kotla u istoj prostoriji Ovo mo e dovesti do slabog rada ure aja ali i do curenja ugljenik monoksida koji mo e da i...

Page 5: ...ntilator dimnih gasova sigurnosni presostat dimnih gasova senzor temperature vode u kotlu senzor temperature dimnih gasova senzor protoka vazduha u kotlu i ostala elektro oprema Komponente hidro insta...

Page 6: ...ati se zakonskih normi i propisa predvi enih za monta u kotla na drveni pelet sa generatorom tople vode a koji va e u zemlji u kojoj se ure aj montira U suprotnom Radijator in enjering kao proizvo a n...

Page 7: ...no ih je odr avati ispravnim Elektro mehani ki presostat za vazduh Presostat dimnih gasova Sigurnosni termostat Ventil sigurnosti na pritisak Automatsko odzra no lon e Elektro mehani ki presostat za v...

Page 8: ...mostat pelet kotla Slika 3 Slika 3 Sigurnosni termostat Sigurnosni termostat ima sigurnosne funkcije kao limitator temperature vode u kotlu Ovaj termostat je tzv radni i on slu i da ograni i temperatu...

Page 9: ...k je sigurnosni ventil pode en najvi i pritisak otvaranja tj 3 bara Obavezna je provera ispravnosti rada u odre enim vremenskim periodima kao i ponovna ba darenja od strane sertifikovanih firmi Ove ob...

Page 10: ...da smeta dotoku vazduha u drugi ure aj Prostorija u kojoj je kotao mora da ima mogu nost provetravanja i mogu nosti povezivanja sa sve im vazduhom ili sa prostorijom koja je povezana sa spoljnim sve i...

Page 11: ...za izradu ovih cevi su konstrukcioni i ner aju i elici Pre nik dimovodne cevi mora da bude odgovaraju i pre niku dimnja e na izlazu a to je 100 mm Zabranjeno je reducirati ovaj pre nik Dimovod se ne...

Page 12: ...iti kerami ke ili metalne cevi kru nog popre nog preseka minimalnog pre nika 130mm Dimna cev obavezno mora biti izolovana Ukoliko dimnjak ve postoji i kvadratnog je popre nog preseka onda su minimalne...

Page 13: ...http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs produkti sagorevanja U ovakvim situacijama gde nisu dimovod i dimnjak kao i dovod vazduha za sagorevanje odra eni na na in kako je u uputstvu navede...

Page 14: ...36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Slika 10 Prikaz priklju enja na dimnjak Slika 11 Prikaz preporuka gradnje dimnjaka Preporu uje se i enje dimnjaka bar jednom godi nje kak...

Page 15: ...menata Slika 12 Presek kotla sa opisom elemenata 1 Izmenjiva sa turbulatorima 2 olja za sagorevanje 3 Pepeljara 4 Dozator 5 Silos 6 Dimovodni kanali 7 Vrata 8 Oplata 9 Plotna 10 Poklopac izmenjiva a 1...

Page 16: ...lice prilikom priklju enja spoljnih ure aja na automatiku kotla Sva priklju enja dodatnih ure aja tehni ko lice obavlja preko tropolnog ili sedmopolnog konektora koja se nalaze na zadnjem delu kotla...

Page 17: ...azi mg N m3 157 Emisija CO pri redukovanoj toplotnoj snazi 165 9 Zapremina vode u kotlu L cca 50 Masa kotla kg 220 Potrebna promaja Pa 10 2 Max radni pritisak bar 2 5 Probni pritisak 4 5 Max temperatu...

Page 18: ...ator radijator rs 7 Hidrauli ka ema Slika 14 ema povezivanja 1 PELET kotao 2 Pumpa 3 Ekspanzivna posuda 4 Radijator izmenjiva NAPOMENA U sklopu PELET kotla UNI 25 PLUS ulazi i pumpa i ekspanzivna posu...

Page 19: ...voran je instalater centralnog grejanja koji priklju uje kotao na hidrauli ki sistem Radijator in enjering kao proizvo a kotla ne preuzima nikakvu odgovornost za tete prouzrokovane lo im instaliranjem...

Page 20: ...o pu tanju kotla u rad zadr ava Garancija i upustvo za upotrebu se daje kupcu Jedan primerak garancije se alje proizvo a u Ako garancija nije ispunjena ona nije va e a Samo kotlovi koji su pu teni u...

Page 21: ...azi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Tasteri Diode Samo za vodovodne instalacije sa senzorom za merenje protoka NAPOMENA...

Page 22: ...il radijator radijator rs 8 2 Kratko uputstvo za korisnika automatike Slika 17 Prikaz LCD ekrana na displeju O itavanje trenutnog stanja kotla Postupak Pritisnuti taster P6 nakon toga na ekranu se poj...

Page 23: ...a lista Slika 19 Slika 19 Prikaz i obja njenje MENI automatike Promeniti pode enu snagu kotla Chombustion power Postupak Pritisnuti taster P3 nakon toga na ekranu se pojavljuje padaju a lista gde je i...

Page 24: ...e tasterom P3 Vratite se na osnovni prikaz displeja Slika 17 pritiskom na taster P1 Postaviti vremensko programiranje paljenja i ga enja kotla Chrono ovu opciju koristite SAMO AKO STE PRETHODNO POSTAV...

Page 25: ...i P6 dolazite do eljene opcije Modality i potvr ujete je tasterom P3 Nakon toga u podmeniju nailazite na opcije Daily Weekly Week end i Disable prikazano na slici 21 Tasterima P4 ili P6 odaberite jedn...

Page 26: ...lan recept Tasterima P4 ili P6 zadajete pode eni recept manji zadati broj recepta manja vremena nalaganja dozera u radnim re imima ve i zadati broj recepta ve a vremena nalaganja dozera u radnim re im...

Page 27: ...Calibration na displeju e biti markirana trenutna vrednost kalibracije Set 0 uglavnom je 0 tasterom P4 pove avate vrednost vremena doziranja a tasterom P6 smanjujete radno vreme doziranja Vrednosti s...

Page 28: ...UNI 25 kotla KORAK 1 Kotao priklju en na hidrauli ki sistem KORAK 2 Sipati pelet u silos KORAK 3 Proveriti da li su svi poklopci dobro zatvoreni i da li su vrata kotla pravilno zatvorena KORAK 4 Uklj...

Page 29: ...P6 prelazite sa ON na OFF potvrditi sa tasterom P3 Dozator tada staje sa radom Tasterom P1 iza ite iz podmenija Slika 27 Prikaz displeja prilikom odabira funkcije LOAD KORAK 6 Startovati kotao Postupa...

Page 30: ...tj prilikom potpale mogu pa i u samom radu automatika prijavljuje na displeju Slika 17 ALARM gre ka Oznake gre aka i obja njenja prikazane su u slede oj tabeli Er01 Gre ka Visok napon 1 Sigurnosni te...

Page 31: ...Er02 Prilikom uklju ivanja kotla u fazi provere sisteme kotla Check Up ako nisu ispunjeni uslovi za rad na displeju se javlja gre ka Er02 Visok napon 2 Sigurnosni presostat vazduha aktiviran kotao ide...

Page 32: ...vanje PROBLEMA 3 O istiti olju za sagorevanje peleta Mogu uzrok 4 PROBLEM 4 U dimovodnim kanalima se nakupilo previ e naslaga tokom prethodnog rada kotla Postupak za re avanje PROBLEMA 4 O istiti dimo...

Page 33: ...zbog razli itog kvaliteta peleta Postupak za re avanje PROBLEMA 5 Pove ati vreme fiksnog nalaganja peleta t03 za 5 do 10 sekundi i po potrebi vreme nalaganja peleta u drugoj fazi potpale C10 Preporuka...

Page 34: ...agorevanje i dolazi do smanjenja plamena i odlaska kotla u ga enje Extingushing Postupak za re avanje PROBLEMA 2 Najbolje je pove ati snage ventilatora u svim re imima i to preko funkcije kalibracije...

Page 35: ...a Tako e potrebno je svakodnevno o istiti cevi izmenjiva a kori enjem ru ice bravice vrata kojom emo jednostavnim pomeranjem poluge napred nazad pokretati mehanizam koji e pomerati turbulatore i istit...

Page 36: ...vr i neutralizacija kiselina usled kondenzacije Pri odr avanju i servisiranju kotla obavezno isklju iti kotao sa napajanja Obavezno konzervirati kotao na kraju grejne sezone U toj situaciji zatvoriti...

Page 37: ...de e videti sliku u ta ki NALEPNICE 1 Tehni ki podaci sa nalepnice Proizvo a Radijator in enjering Serijski broj kotla primer N 170616003 Godina proizvodnje primer 2020 Tip kotla UNI 25 Stepen korisno...

Page 38: ...da se pridr ava navedenih uputstava o kori enju i odr avanju videti ta ku 8 2 Garancijska izjava Izjavljujemo da proizvod ima propisana i deklarisana kvalitetna svojstva Obavezujemo se da emo na zahte...

Page 39: ...i le aj klizni le aj 5 Garancijski rok ne va i ukoliko se posle svake grejne sezone ne odradi redovan servis za zamenu delova kod redovnog godi njeg odr avanja u skladu sa uputstvima kod kvarova koje...

Page 40: ...ore navedenu garanciju kao i garanciju na jo 12 meseci na telo kotla izmenjiva Garancija se mo e produ iti do 5 god od datuma pu tanja u rad Servis i produ enje servisa mo e da obavlja lice koje alje...

Page 41: ...operating space and position of the UNI 25 water boiler 47 3 4 Installing the UNI 25 boiler to the chimney 48 4 The cross section of the UNI 25 water boiler with the description of elemets 53 5 The d...

Page 42: ...er than 2 5 bars and operating temperature higher than 90 C This device is a thermal energy producer through water as well as directly by emitting into the surrounding space Therefore there are surfac...

Page 43: ...als is 200mm and the same applies to the materials of an unknown flammability rate Fire hazard Storing flammable materials and liquids close to the boiler is forbidden It is mandatory to inform users...

Page 44: ...r motor of the pellets transporter the flue gas fan the safety pressure switch the boiler water temperature sensor the flue gas temperature sensor the boiler airflow sensor and other electric equipmen...

Page 45: ...signed for the installation of a wood water boiler with the hot water generator and which apply in the country where the device is installed On the contrary Radiator inzenjering as the manufacturer do...

Page 46: ...I 25 PLUS boiler the following elements are installed and it is necessary to keep them functional Air flow sensor The flue gas pressure switch The safety thermostat of the water boiler Safety pressure...

Page 47: ...ted to the automatic controls For the safe operation of the UNI 25 boiler the following elements need to be installed and it is necessary to keep them functional they do NOT come with the boiler only...

Page 48: ...esigned outlet It is strictly forbidden to reduce this outlet s diameter in any way during the maintenance and installation of a new one Installing the manometer to the hydraulic installation Picture...

Page 49: ...ng wall to wall carpets carpets etc it is necessary to isolate the boiler from such surface by a panel made of inflammable materials steel ceramic ceramic fiber isolation materials etc Such panels tem...

Page 50: ...rty it is or there has to be an inspection hole If the smoke pipe doesn t go directly into a chimney but vertically up it is necessary to install the condensation drain T piece The air for combustion...

Page 51: ...ealed well during the operation Situation 2 In this situation the smoke pipe has to go at least 1 5m vertically up in the room with the boiler and then burst through a wall and to be connected to the...

Page 52: ...enjering d o o 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Picture 9 The representation on how to instal...

Page 53: ...ijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Picture 10 The representation on how to connect to a chimney Picture 11 The representation a suggested chimney construction method It is suggested to clean the...

Page 54: ...elemets Picture 12 The cross section of UNI 25 boiler with the description of the elements 1 Exchanger with turbulators 2 Combustion cup 3 Ashpan 4 Doser 5 Silo 6 Smoke channels 7 Door 8 Plating 9 Hob...

Page 55: ...lled by the technician during the connecting process of external devices to the boiler s automatic controls All connections of additional parts are done by a technician by using three pole connectors...

Page 56: ...tput mg Nm3 157 CO emission at reduced heating power output 165 9 Water volume in the boiler L cca 50 Boiler weight kg 220 Necessary draft Pa 10 2 Max operating pressure bar 2 5 Test pressure 4 5 Max...

Page 57: ...81 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 7 The hydraulic diagram Picture 14 Connection diagram 1 Boiler 2 Pump 3 Expansion vessel 4 Radiator exchanger NOTIC...

Page 58: ...in accordance in accordance with the regulated way For the proper installation a person who installs central heating is held responsible who connects the boiler to the hydraulic system Radiator inzen...

Page 59: ...the factory while keeping a copy of the initiation report The warranty and user manual are given to the buyer One copy of the warranty is sent to the manufacturer If the warranty isn t followed it is...

Page 60: ...ng the key for 3 seconds until the sound signal P2 Unblock Unblocks when the system is blocked by pressing and holding the key for 3 seconds until the sound signal Change menu and sub menu values Chan...

Page 61: ...d as the safety valve for pellets or pellets refill motor or cleaning motor Diode on V2 port is functioning L5 Combustion valve Diode on Combustion valve is functioning L6 Aux2 port configured as the...

Page 62: ...2 Brief instruction for the automatic controls user Picture 17 The representation of the LCD screen on the display Reading the current status of the boiler Procedure Press the P6 key and after that i...

Page 63: ...rating time of doser and fan speed Load This menu enables the operation of the dosing system initial and repeated charging at the boiler s initiation provided that the system is OFF Summer Winter The...

Page 64: ...bring you to the Time and Date option Reconfirm by pressing the P3 key and the setting time and precise date display shows up on the screen in which by using P4 or P6 keys you confirm the command and...

Page 65: ...two options appear Modality and Program and then by P4 or P6 keys you reach the desired option Modality and confirm it by the P3 key After that in the sub menu you get to options Daily Weekly Weekend...

Page 66: ...t option is immediately highlighted Chombustion Power Keys P4 ili P6 gets you to option Recipe Press again key P3 after that the display appears with the marked number which is the current recipe Keys...

Page 67: ...reduce the dosing time Values are from 5 to 5 lower calibration setpoint lower doser loading times in operating modes higher calibration setpoint higher doser loading times in operating modes when yo...

Page 68: ...e boiler is connected to the hydraulic system STEP 2 Insert pellets into the silo STEP 3 Inspect if all lids are tightly closed and if the boiler door is properly closed STEP 4 Start the boiler the sw...

Page 69: ...pressing the P1 key exit the sub menu Picture 27 The representation of the display upon selecting the LOAD function STEP 6 Starting the boiler Procedures Press the P2 key hold it for 2 3 seconds unti...

Page 70: ...lowing table Er01 Error High voltage 1 The safety thermostat is activated Er02 Error High voltage 2 The safety air pressure switch is activated Er03 Error Shutting down when the temperature of smoke c...

Page 71: ...etc Error Er02 When switching on the boiler in the phase of checking the boiler system Check Up if the operating conditions are not met the display error Er02 High voltage 2 Safety air pressure switch...

Page 72: ...g PROBLEM 3 Clean the pellet combustion cup Possible cause 4 PROBLEM 4 Too many deposits have accumulated in the flue ducts during the previous operation of the boiler The procedure of resolving PROBL...

Page 73: ...d weaker so that the flue gas temperature drops and Extinguishing This problem is due to the different quality of the pellets The procedure of resolving PROBLEM 5 Increase the time of fixed loading of...

Page 74: ...there is an increasing accumulation of slag and ash at the bottom of the combustion cup Over time unburned pellets fill the combustion cup and the flame is reduced and the boiler goes to extinction Th...

Page 75: ...necessary to clean the pipes of the exchanger every day by using the lock door handle and simply by moving the lever back and forth we control the mechanism which moves turbulators and cleans the pipe...

Page 76: ...ime That way the neutralization of acid due to condensation is done During service and maintenance of the boiler remove it from the power supply Return the M profile inside the smoke channels for the...

Page 77: ...n the section LABELS Technical data from the label Manufacturer Radijator inzenjering Serial number of the boiler example N 170616003 Year of manufacture example 2020 Boiler type example UNI 20 15 or...

Page 78: ...the listed instructions on how to use and do maintenance refer to point 8 10 Warranty statement We state that the product has regulated and declared quality properties We oblige to on the request of t...

Page 79: ...ce is done after each heating season in case of the replacement of parts on the annual maintenance in accordance with the instructions in case of malfunctions caused during transport and during use so...

Page 80: ...er as well The warranty can be extended up to 5 years from the initiation date The warranty and extension can be done by the person sent by the central maintenance department of Radiator inzenjering T...

Page 81: ...ller for any lack of conformity of the goods under a Contract Gore navedeno va i za kupce na prostoru Republike Srbije The aforementioned applies to purchasers of the Republic of Serbia GARANTNI LIST...
