Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića - Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
e-mail: [email protected]
8.5. Maintenance and cleaning the UNI 25 kotla
UNI 25
boiler requires daily and periodic cleaning..
Everyday cleaning is related to the space of the furnace itself, more precisely the
combustion cup, where we, by ejecting ashes constantly, enable more efficient work of
electric heaters for igniting and more efficient combustion, that is more air through the slots
on the cup. During the day, ash already starts building up on the floor, space around the
furnace itself..
It is also necessary to clean the pipes of the exchanger every day by using the lock door
handle and simply by moving the lever back and forth we control the mechanism which
moves turbulators and cleans the pipes of the turbulator. (
Picture 28
Picture 28. Cleaning the combustion cup and turbulator
It is necessary to empty the ash pan of the furnace every 3 to 4 days..
Once every two weeks, it is necessary to clean layers on the furnace walls. This
provides a higher transmission rate because one millimeter of tar and soot layers reduces
conductivity by 5%.
Open the upper cleaning lid and clean all reachable spots above the turbulator.
The frontal inspection lid of smoke channels should also be opened, remove the M profile
from the smoke channels and clean the entire interior space of the smoke channels and the fan
box from layers of soot and ash (
Picture 29