In accordance with the WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU (Waste Electrical
and Electronic Equipment),Law on Environmental Protection (
Official Gazette of the
Republic of Serbia, No.
135/2004, 36/2009,36/2009– as amended,72/2009– as
amended,43/2011- decision of the Constitutional Court and 14/2016), Law on Waste
Management (
Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, N
o.36/2009,88/2010and14/2016) and
Rulebook on the list of electrical and electronic products, measures restricting or prohibiting
the use of electric and electronic equipment containing hazardous substances, the manner
and procedure for management of waste originating from electrical and electronic products
Official Gazette of the RS
, No. 99/2010).
13. Designing manual
13.1 Systems to which the boiler may be connected
- All the systems for space heating that are designed for temperatures lower than 80°C.
- Closed heating systems.
- Systems in which there is a solid fuel boiler.
ATTENTION! When connecting a boiler to such a system, it is
compulsory to pat attention that both pumps in the system push water in
the same direction in order to prevent collision of flows.
Potential great hydraulic system strains, as well as cracking of some components.
- It may be used as a device for heating sanitary water in the accumulation boiler through the
heat exchanger.
- It may also be used in certain technological processes on condition that there is no need for
water temperature above 60°C.
- It must not be used for direct heating of sanitary water.