values is currently on the display, the adequate LED indicator also beams. The temperature
and power interchange approximately every 3 seconds.
7.3 Alarm
Warning bearing the A sign are alarms. Their role is to signalize a potential problem, and that
the parameters are approaching border values for safe work of the system.
– Temperature is too low, that is
≤ 12°C
– Temperature is too high, that is
7.4 Blockade
Warning with the sign E is blockade. Blockade means that one of the vital parameters has
crossed the critical value for safe work of the boiler. Blockade also appears if the controller
detects short circuit/interruption or illogical readout of the temperature. In such a situation, the
controller automatically turns off all relay outputs. Reset of the blockade is performed by
pressing the ON/OFF button. Turn off the controller, remove the cause of the blockade and turn
on the controller again.
–Temperature too low that is
≤ 0°C
–Temperature too high that is
≤ 12°C
– Boiler temperature sensor failure
In case of alarm or blockade, the following is shown on the display:
For 1.5 seconds
, the temperature value is displayed and the temperature indicator beams
For 2.5 seconds
, the error code is displayed and both indicators, for temperature and power
For 1.5 seconds
, the current power value is displayed and the power indicator beams
For 2.5 seconds
, the error code is displayed and both indicators, for temperature and power
In the user menu, it is possible to set the following parameters:
- Temperature (“t” symbol on the display), ranging from 2F28+F29 to 80°C
- Power (“P” symbol on the display), ranging from 1 to the number of heating elements
- Mode (symbol on the display “Fun”, from function) – the value of this parameter set on 1
denotes the heating mode, the value set on 2 denotes antifreeze protection
To set the operating parameters, press the “MODE” key. By pressing multiple times or
holding the “MODE” key, the symbols t, P, FUn will interchange on the display.
By releasing the “MODE” key, the symbols t, P, Fun will interchange on the display.
By releasing the “MODE” key, you will stop at the desired function. Current valid value
recorded for given parameter will soon be shown on the display. By pressing the keys “UP”
(upwards arrow) and “DOWN” (downwards arrow), you may change the value of the
recorded parameter for the chosen function. When you set the desired value of the parameter,
you may leave the menu immediately by pressing OK key or you may change the values of
other parameters. If you do not wish to leave the menu after you have set the value of one
parameter, press MENU key again, the set value of the parameter will be recorded and you
will move to the next parameter from the menu which you may also change and so on.
If you set the value of some parameter and do not press OK, after ten seconds the device will
automatically exit the menu and recorded the set value of the parameter.
Service menu
Press and hold the MENU key, then shortly press the UP key. The sign PAS (from password)
will appear on the display, soon the sign 000 will appear on the display and then the password
should be entered. The password is 64. Electronics does not have the option of changing the